Saturday, November 05, 2005

Week of Surprises

last thursday, we attended the church choir practice. we are preparing for the advent carols. we sang all the songs with much gusto. after the practice, the director asked some of the members to stay. when the other members left she told us that she will be moving on and look for other opportunities. we were all surprise. with all the preparations, the coming holidays and the good things happening in church this is the last thing you would expect to happen. we wished her the best and thanked her for her leadership and the music.
walking out the church, we spoke to some of the members. we reassured each other that we will continue to serve our parish. we would pray that our parish priest will be guided by the holy spirit in choosing the right person for the job.

1 comment:

Correne said...

u havent updated for a LONG time!!!
u made the site b4 me and I have made more entrys!!!